Walletless Pickup
The above figure displays an example of a user at address 0x…1 (Bob) attempting to send assets to a new account, devoid of ETH. Bob does not yet know this account’s public key, as he may not have created it yet.
Using CPaS, Bob creates a shipment which can be picked up by the Capsule Relay (the receiver address parameter is set to the Capsule Relay address) with a password attached. Bob also pays gas costs for the shipment transaction (Bob eventually could pay in ERC-20 token, as shown in the previous example, Gasless Pickup), in order for the recipient to accept the package without ETH in his wallet.
An extra check can be added here, where Bob’s shipping account can confirm that the new wallet is actually under Bob’s control - but this is optional.
After shipment, Bob can visit the Capsule Redemption Page to prompt the Capsule Relay to redeem the assets on his behalf to the new account. Once the acceptance transaction is confirmed, Bob now has received tokens in his new address without requiring any native chain gas (note, the Capsule Relay can also supply native gas alongside a redemption). Bob’s new address may never require native chain tokens at all, if it continues to utilize the CPaS to ship assets.
Note that in this example, there is no privacy over the pickup of the funds. At all times, the receiving wallet can be traced back to the shipping wallet (asset creator). Taking ERC-20 tokens as an example, a blockchain explorer would signify assets going from shipper, to Capsule Protection Contract (as they are stored within a Capsule), to new address.
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