Developer - Mint a Capsule NFT

Users have the option to store tokens within a Capsule NFT at the time of mint and embed the Capsule NFT with artwork. At current date, the tokens stored within Capsule NFTs can be ERC-20 tokens, ERC-721 tokens (including Capsule NFTs), or ERC-1155 tokens. You are also able to create Simple Capsule NFTs, which hold no tokens and function as basic ERC-721 NFTs. All Capsule NFTs are minted from Capsule Collections, which you can learn about in Developer - Create a Capsule Collection.

Below are some examples of creating your own Capsule NFT using a pre-existing Capsule Collection.


In order to create a Capsule NFT you must:

  1. Select a Capsule Collection from which it will be minted (this could be your Capsule Collection, or anyone else's public Capsule Collection)

  2. Decide which type of Capsule NFT you'd like to create

    • Simple Capsule NFT (a basic ERC-721 Token)

    • ERC-20 Capsule NFT (a Capsule NFT which holds any number of ERC-20 tokens)

      • Depending on the amount of different tokens stored within the ERC-20 Capsule NFT, you will need to decide between methods mintSingleERC20Capsule (storing one token) and mintMultiERC20Capsule (storing two or more tokens)

    • ERC-721 Capsule NFT (a Capsule NFT which holds any number of ERC-721 tokens)

      • Depending on the amount of different NFTs stored within the ERC-721 Capsule NFT, you will need to decide between methods mintSingleERC721Capsule (storing one NFT) and mintMultiERC721Capsule (storing two or more NFTs)

    • ERC-1155 Capsule NFT (a Capsule NFT which holds any number of ERC-1155 tokens)

      • Only mintMultiERC1155Capsule is available to users and can still be used to store a single ERC-1155 token.

  3. (if not a Simple Capsule NFT) - supply the Capsule NFT with the token(s) to store

Selecting a Capsule Collection

You'll need the address of the Capsule Collection you'd like to mint the Capsule NFT from. This can be found on the CapsuleNFT Application Collections Tab, by obtaining a response from the Create a Capsule Collection method (upon creation), or by calling getCapsuleCollectionsOf and passing in an address as a parameter. This Capsule Collection address will be in the form of 0x....

Capsule NFT Types and Methods

More information on the methods below can be found at the CapsuleMinter.sol page. Depending on the type of Capsule NFT you are creating, you will call either:

function mintSimpleCapsule(address _capsule, string _uri, address _receiver) external payable

function mintSingleERC20Capsule(address _capsule, address _token, uint256 _amount, string _uri, address _receiver) external payable
function mintMultiERC20Capsule(address _capsule, address[] _tokens, uint256[] _amounts, string _uri, address _receiver) external payable

function mintSingleERC721Capsule(address _capsule, address _token, uint256 _id, string _uri, address _receiver) external payable
function mintMultiERC721Capsule(address _capsule, address[] _tokens, uint256[] _ids, string _uri, address _receiver) external payable

Only mintMultiERC1155Capsule is available to the user. Note: you can still create ERC-1155 Capsule NFTs that store a single token using this method.

function mintMultiERC1155Capsule(address _capsule, address[] _tokens, uint256[] _ids, string _uri, address _receiver) external payable

Example Simple Capsule NFT Mint Call

An example call to create a Simple Capsule NFT is shown here:

    "0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2", // Capsule Collection address
    "ipfs://bafyreibfmk7yeraghmiw5eygdjzjhgc2pqyh5ycyg5d2tm2lg5c2bop2by/metadata.json", // tokenURI/link to Metadata
    "0xB58992cfA9B39A2FFA0dd286248503A2eFbc65Db", // address to receive minted Capsule NFT
    { value: 0.001 }

This call will create a Simple Capsule NFT:

  • In the Capsule Collection at address 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2

  • With tokenURI (metadata) linking to ipfs://bafy...p2by/metadata.json

  • And send that Simple Capsule NFT to the address 0xB58992cfA9B39A2FFA0dd286248503A2eFbc65Db

  • With ETH fee amount specified. This is the required amount to create a Capsule NFT.

ERC-20 Capsule NFT Minting

Note that two different methods, mintSingleERC20Capsule and mintMultiERC20Capsule are available to the user.

mintSingleERC20Capsule is an optimized function meant to save the user gas in the case where only a single ERC-20 token would be embedded within a Capsule NFT.

mintMultiERC20Capsule is a function meant to be called when more than one different token is meant to be embedded within a Capsule NFT. Note: you can create ERC-20 Capsule NFTs that store one token using the mintMultiERC20Capsule method, but it would be gas inefficient to do so.

Example Single ERC-20 Capsule NFT Mint Call

An example call to create a Single ERC-20 Capsule NFT is shown here:

    "0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2", // Capsule Collection address
    "0x1b40183EFB4Dd766f11bDa7A7c3AD8982e998421", // Token address
    200000000000000000000, // Token amount
    "ipfs://bafyreibfmk7yeraghmiw5eygdjzjhgc2pqyh5ycyg5d2tm2lg5c2bop2by/metadata.json", // tokenURI/link to Metadata
    "0xB58992cfA9B39A2FFA0dd286248503A2eFbc65Db", // address to receive minted Capsule NFT
    { value: 0.001 }

This call will create a Single ERC-20 Capsule NFT:

  • In the Capsule Collection at address 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2

  • Storing 200 of the token at 0x1b40183EFB4Dd766f11bDa7A7c3AD8982e998421

    • (Assuming 18 decimals)

  • With tokenURI (metadata) linking to ipfs://bafy...p2by/metadata.json

  • And send that Single ERC-20 Capsule NFT to the address 0xB58992cfA9B39A2FFA0dd286248503A2eFbc65Db

  • With ETH fee amount specified. This is the required amount to create a Capsule NFT.

Example Multi ERC-20 Capsule NFT Mint Call

An example call to create a Multi ERC-20 Capsule NFT is shown here:

    "0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2", // Capsule Collection address
    ], // Token addresses in an array
    ], // Token amounts in an array
    "ipfs://bafyreibfmk7yeraghmiw5eygdjzjhgc2pqyh5ycyg5d2tm2lg5c2bop2by/metadata.json", // tokenURI/link to Metadata
    "0xB58992cfA9B39A2FFA0dd286248503A2eFbc65Db", // address to receive minted Capsule NFT
    { value: 0.001 }

This call will create a Multi ERC-20 Capsule NFT:

  • In the Capsule Collection at address 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2

  • Storing both:

    • 200 of the token at 0x1b40183EFB4Dd766f11bDa7A7c3AD8982e998421

      • (Assuming 18 decimals)

    • 100 of the token at 0xa3d58c4E56fedCae3a7c43A725aeE9A71F0ece4e

      • (Assuming 18 decimals)

  • With tokenURI (metadata) linking to ipfs://bafy...p2by/metadata.json

  • And send that Multi ERC-20 Capsule NFT to the address 0xB58992cfA9B39A2FFA0dd286248503A2eFbc65Db

  • With ETH fee amount specified. This is the required amount to create a Capsule NFT.

ERC-721 Capsule NFT Minting

Note that two different methods, mintSingleERC721Capsule and mintMultiERC721Capsule are available to the user.

mintSingleERC721Capsule is an optimized function meant to save the user gas in the case where only a single ERC-721 token would be embedded within a Capsule NFT.

mintMultiERC721Capsule is a function meant to be called when more than one different token is meant to be embedded within a Capsule NFT. Note: you can create ERC-721 Capsule NFTs that store one token using the mintMultiERC721Capsule method, but it would be gas inefficient to do so.

Example Single ERC-721 Capsule NFT Mint Call

An example call to create a Single ERC-721 Capsule NFT is shown here:

    "0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2", // Capsule Collection address
    "0x1a0a69a267b3e72d22dEB970b2Cc6296aC31A80c", // NFT address
    1, // NFT ID
    "ipfs://bafyreibfmk7yeraghmiw5eygdjzjhgc2pqyh5ycyg5d2tm2lg5c2bop2by/metadata.json", // tokenURI/link to Metadata
    "0xB58992cfA9B39A2FFA0dd286248503A2eFbc65Db", // address to receive minted Capsule NFT
    { value: 0.001 }

This call will create a Single ERC-721 Capsule NFT:

  • In the Capsule Collection at address 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2

  • Storing the NFT of ID 1 from 0x1a0a69a267b3e72d22dEB970b2Cc6296aC31A80c

  • With tokenURI (metadata) linking to ipfs://bafy...p2by/metadata.json

  • And send that Single ERC-721 Capsule NFT to the address 0xB58992cfA9B39A2FFA0dd286248503A2eFbc65Db

  • With ETH fee amount specified. This is the required amount to create a Capsule NFT.

Example Multi ERC-721 Capsule NFT Mint Call

An example call to create a Multi ERC-721 Capsule NFT is shown here:

    "0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2", // Capsule Collection address
    ], // NFT addresses in an array
    ], // NFT IDs in an array
    "ipfs://bafyreibfmk7yeraghmiw5eygdjzjhgc2pqyh5ycyg5d2tm2lg5c2bop2by/metadata.json", // tokenURI/link to Metadata
    "0xB58992cfA9B39A2FFA0dd286248503A2eFbc65Db", // address to receive minted Capsule NFT
    { value: 0.001 }

This call will create a Multi ERC-721 Capsule NFT:

  • In the Capsule Collection at address 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2

  • Storing both:

    • The NFT of ID 1 from 0x1a0a69a267b3e72d22dEB970b2Cc6296aC31A80c

    • The NFT of ID 15 from 0xECE3053E1e7C4Dd365975e8AB4Db7D1b238e30B6

  • With tokenURI (metadata) linking to ipfs://bafy...p2by/metadata.json

  • And send that Multi ERC-721 Capsule NFT to the address 0xB58992cfA9B39A2FFA0dd286248503A2eFbc65Db

  • With ETH fee amount specified. This is the required amount to create a Capsule NFT.

ERC-1155 Capsule NFT Minting

For ERC-1155 tokens, only mintMultiERC1155Capsule is available to the user.

mintMultiERC1155Capsule is a function meant to be called when more than one different token is meant to be embedded within a Capsule NFT. Note: you can still create ERC-1155 Capsule NFTs that store a single token using the mintMultiERC1155Capsule method.

Example Multi ERC-1155 Capsule NFT Mint Call

An example call to create a Multi ERC-1155 Capsule NFT is shown here:

    "0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2", // Capsule Collection address
    ], // ERC-1155 NFT addresses in an array
    ], // ERC-1155 NFT IDs in an array
    ], // ERC-1155 Token amounts in an array
    "ipfs://bafyreibfmk7yeraghmiw5eygdjzjhgc2pqyh5ycyg5d2tm2lg5c2bop2by/metadata.json", // tokenURI/link to Metadata
    "0xB58992cfA9B39A2FFA0dd286248503A2eFbc65Db", // address to receive minted Capsule NFT
    { value: 0.001 }

This call will create a Multi ERC-1155 Capsule NFT:

  • In the Capsule Collection at address 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2

  • Storing both:

    • The NFT of ID 1 from 0xe8aE4BfD7521d26283bc14f2395675144AA65e6d

      • of which we will store 2 tokens

    • The NFT of ID 15 from 0xd07dc4262BCDbf85190C01c996b4C06a461d2430

      • of which we will store 1 token

  • With tokenURI (metadata) linking to ipfs://bafy...p2by/metadata.json

  • And send that Multi ERC-1155 Capsule NFT to the address 0xB58992cfA9B39A2FFA0dd286248503A2eFbc65Db

  • With ETH fee amount specified. This is the required amount to create a Capsule NFT.

Last updated